5.2 The effects of IT on working patterns

‘Nine to five’ – flexibility

  • Flexible hours. This arrangement allows the employee to organise their working schedule in an individual way. Instead of being a fixed pattern to fit the organisation’s ‘normal’ hours am employee might choose to start work a little later in the morning and continue to work longer, or start to leave earlier.
  • Flexible place. Technology allows people to work in a place other than at their desk at an office. Through a good internet connection employees may have access to the file saved on their computer, or might simply take file home with them on  a memory stick.
  • Time banks and compressed work weeks. Some organisations may not pay over time but give employees time off in lieu. This could mean that an employee chooses to work four long days in a week and as compensation take the fifth day off.

Job sharing

Job-Sharing: Two or more people agree to share a job, in essence they are agreeing to both work part-time, but between them they will complete the  work of a full-time employee. Job sharing can apply to quite senior or responsible positions, the key requirement is that the role can be split so it can effectively be carried out by the two or more people involved.