4.5 Computer networks in business environment (2)

4.5 Computer networks in business environment (2)


ICT is an important feature of the banking industry. Bank receive and send money by electronic funds transfer (EFT). When an employee receive his or her salary, or when you make a payment at a supermarket checkout, funds are move from one account to the other.

A bank branch only have it own LAN, where ATMs terminals at each counter and office computers will all connect to the WAN, so that the people can get access ti banking from ATMs wherever they are.


Customer Network Operation
Inserts card into ATM Details read from magnetic stripe or embedded chip; contact is made with WAN fileserver; customer offered choice of language if appropriate.
Enter PIN by using the keypad Car checked; is it valid(does the card exist or have it been stolen or even expired?)

PIN also checked if it correct if incorrect 3 times then it would swallow your ATM card.

Choose from these options:

  • Get money
  • Change PIN
  • Mobile phone services
  • see balance

Decide to withdraw money, with or without a receipt.

System offers choice of cash amounts. There may be a message about the cash available ‘Only multiples of $20…’
Selects an amount or types in their own choice. Customer account file is accessed;is there enough money in the account? Are they asking for more then their daily limit? If there is not enough money in the account, or the customer is going beyond their daily limit, other options will be given ‘You have $50 available…’.
 Take back the card  Transaction completes (money is disappeared or denied);customer account is updated.
 Take money(and receipt if requested)  Receipt is printed if requested.

Banks also have there own intranet to communicate with one another and so that products and services can be explained and demonstrated to customers when they visit the branch.

Advantage of banking systems Disadvantage of banking systems
Money can be accessed from anywhere in the world where they are ATM machines. Banks aren’t familiar with local customers, increasing the chance of fraud.
Balances and transactions can be done remotely using the internet and mobile phones. Fraud can be carried out electronically from anywhere.
 Money can be moved between accounts quickly.


Expert system

A computer application that performs a task that would otherwise be performed by a human expert. For example, there are expert systems that can diagnose human illnesses, make financial forecasts, and schedule routes for delivery vehicles. Some expert systems are designed to take the place of human experts, while others are designed to aid people.

Simple expert systems are made up of at least four different elements:

  • User interface
  • Inference engine
  • Knowledge base
  • Rules base